After School Gallery

Food and Fitness Club

Colouring and drawing club

Miss Hughes and Miss Dunne run a colouring and drawing club on a Wednesday lunchtime. We have lots of fun colouring in our favourite characters and improving our techniques.  It also helps with our fine motor skills.

Woodland Club

On Wednesdays in the summer and autumn, we have a Woodland Club for Key Stage 1.  Our intrepid explorers are out and about in the school woodland area whatever the weather!  We enjoy bug hunts, scavenger hunts and treasure hunts.  We love creating works of art from natural, seasonal materials.  We have even tried our hand at mapping skills to help us find our way around the woodland.  At the moment, our woodland area is being transformed! We are looking forward to an even more amazing area for our adventures.  The new Weston Woodland will include a large pond with a decking area, great wooden sculptures of woodland creatures and even a hobbit hill!   In Woodland Club, we are especially interested in making our improved woodland area as friendly as possible for local wildlife.  We hope to attract many more species of animals, bugs and birds into our wooded and water environments.

Contact Us

Telephone: 01928 574544


Headteacher: Helen Pitt

Weston Primary School,

Lambsickle Lane, Runcorn,

Cheshire WA7 4RA

SENCO: Laura Simpson
