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Welcome to Weston Primary School


A very warm welcome to our Weston Primary School website, where our aim is to provide  parents, carers and visitors an insight into the life of our school and the work that we do to enable the best possible education for each and every child.

Weston is a warm, caring and compassionate school, where the staff and the governors work together to create a happy, secure and stimulating environment for our children. We want every child to succeed and we aim to ensure that we give our children the opportunities to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of the world in a friendly, supportive and caring environment. We pride ourselves on listening to the children's views and developing their ideas with them to build an inclusive and happy school.

The school believes that parents and teachers are partners in the process of education and that such a partnership is crucial to the development of the whole child. We endeavour to prepare every child for their future so that they make a positive contribution to the environment, the community and to society.

Giving every child the chance to learn within a widely enriched curriculum is a high priority for us, and we strive for high academic standards; however, Weston Primary is about so much more than this. It is about giving every child the opportunity to shine and have their interests developed; it is about giving everyone the chance to aspire and be proud of their achievements, no matter how great or small. It is about giving children the confidence to have a go and giving them the opportunity to try out new things. It is about tolerance and respect for beliefs of others and taking joy and pleasure from what others do well. Most importantly, it is about making happy memories of school life that will be carried forward into adult life and indeed beyond.


If you are interested in sending your child to Weston Primary School, please do not hesitate to contact us on

Tel: 01928 574544 


Contact Us

Telephone: 01928 574544


Headteacher: Helen Pitt

Weston Primary School,

Lambsickle Lane, Runcorn,

Cheshire WA7 4RA

SENCO: Laura Simpson
