At Weston, we use a text-based approach to our literacy lessons, where high quality texts linked to the class topic are used to engage children in developing their literacy skills. This approach allows a greater opportunity for the children to write, along with linking grammar, punctuation and spelling into their work more closely, as well as developing our inference and retrieval skills through whole class work. Not only that, but it allows the children to become more immersed in their topic and broaden their vocabulary and learn subject specific vocabulary also.
Click below to see an overview of the year, including knowledge, skills and understanding being covered across the school, as well as the texts being used, so that you can support your children at home with their learning.
To allow the children to apply their writing skills across the curriculum, extended writing opportunities are planned throughout the wider curriculum so that the children have more opportunities to work towards greater depth writing.
Our lead for writing is Mr Kelly.
We know that some of the vocabulary around primary literacy can be very confusing, so please click on the link below to see a handy jargon buster:
Talk For Writing
As well as using a whole school text based approach, we also use a Talk For Writing approach. We use a whole school Talk for Writing Approach to help dvelop the children's speaking and listening skills and rehearse texts before writing. This approach allows children to learn and retell a story off by heart & learn and rehearse key features of their text type. We are in the process of producing a guide for parents/carers to explain this approach in more detail.
Sentence Types
To develop sentence structure and the use of punctuation within at Weston, we also use a whole school approach, using Alan Peat’s Exciting Sentence Types. A guide on this, including progression throughout the year groups, can be found on the link below.
Alan Peat Exciting Sentence Types Progression