Year 3

Information for Parents
Please click on the links below to find the overview of activites set for Home Learning. These projects are to be used during the school closures. All the links to suggested webites can be found within each overview document. The aim of these documents are to support your child with their learning while school is closed. We are reviewing these plans on a weekly basis and will upload a new plan each week.

If anyone requires any help or support, please feel free to contact me via Class Dojo. Also, I would love to see what you've been learning and which activties you have been doing so please share updates of your learning on your Class Dojo Pupil Story.  

We realise that this is challenging and unprecedented time for all of us right now and all staff would like to thank you for your ongoing support. We appreciate the difficulties some of you may face supporting your child's learning at home with work commitments and other responsibilities, however we want to provide as many opportunities as possible for learning to be accessed and anything you do at home will be beneficial to your child.

Stay safe. Keep in touch and make the most of your time together.

All resources can be found in the list of files at the bottom of the page.
Friday 4th February

Maths - Watch this video first ( to learn about the short division method. Then complete 'Worksheet 8', answering each question in this way. There may be some help you can get from adults too, who may be familiar with this method.

History - Read each theory about Stonehenge one at a time on the 'History Stonehenge 4th Feb' file, then complete the Purpose, Evidence, Questions sections on the separate file 'History 4th Feb'. The first one has been done as an example of how to complete them.

Files to Download

Contact Us

Telephone: 01928 574544


Headteacher: Helen Pitt

Weston Primary School,

Lambsickle Lane, Runcorn,

Cheshire WA7 4RA

SENCO: Laura Simpson
